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Now You know

Discussion in 'Quizzes & Games' started by Darling, Jun 10, 2015.

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  1. Bonjiek Dakoykoy

    Bonjiek Dakoykoy
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    May 24, 2015
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    The Gateshead Millennium Bridge, UK
  2. Darling

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    May 8, 2015
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    Curious facts about insulation


    As per the source: Everyday, the heat that we lose from our homes has a significant impact on the planet (and our pockets!) Through INSULATION we can save heat, money and the planet.
    Heat travels from hot to cold, so when we heat our homes, heat will escape from any uninsulated area to the cooler temperature outside. A brick house with poor insulation will lose over a third of its heat through the walls, one quarter through the roof and the rest through the doors, windows and floors.

    So what’s Insulation?[​IMG]We can all reduce the transfer of heat through insulation. Insulation is the material or technique used to reduce the rate at which heat is transferred:

    • By putting a tea cosy on a teapot, the heat loss from the tea inside is reduced
    • Birds fluff up their feathers in the winter to trap air in between to help insulate them from the cold
    • Sheep grow thick wool to keep them warm on the hillside – the wool traps pockets of air, which is why we use it to make warm winter clothing for ourselves and to insulate our homes
    • Thermos flasks, fridges and ovens all use insulation very effectively to conserve heat or prevent heat penetration to keep our food and drinks hot or cold
    We can insulate our homes by adding insulated materials such as fibreglass, polystyrene, foam or wool or by installing double glazing or fitting carpets to reduce the heat loss through roofs, walls, windows, doors and floors. Making small changes, such as using draft excluders or closing blinds and curtains to keep houses cool in summer and warm in winter, all contribute towards insulating homes.

    Insulating our homes and school will:

    • Save heat, keeping you warmer in winter and cooler in summer
    • Save money on energy bills
    • Save the environment, by cutting our carbon footprints
    Bonjiek Dakoykoy likes this.
  3. Bonjiek Dakoykoy

    Bonjiek Dakoykoy
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    May 24, 2015
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    This insulation is beneficial and economical. I am not just sure how long does it last or how frequent do we have to replace them.

    Thank you for sharing.
  4. Darling

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    May 8, 2015
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    I like to know if where we can get this in the Philippines and have it install to our houses there.
  5. Yusuf Shamim

    Yusuf Shamim
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    May 14, 2015
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    Do not drink Cold drink (Coke, Pepsi, etc) after taking Panadol. It can be dangerous. Please spread this news to everyone.
  6. Bonjiek Dakoykoy

    Bonjiek Dakoykoy
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    May 24, 2015
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    For how many hours after taking Panadol you can drink cold drinks without any danger?
  7. Yusuf Shamim

    Yusuf Shamim
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    May 14, 2015
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    It is only soon after you consume panadol, but after few hours it would be ok to consume any drink which has soda content.
  8. Bonjiek Dakoykoy

    Bonjiek Dakoykoy
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    May 24, 2015
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    You mind to elaborate thr danger of this practice?
  9. Darling

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    May 8, 2015
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    Guys do you agree that Multitasking lowers your IQ, shrinks your brain, and cuts your productivity--and it's addictive. Those who are working in the office will agree with me that we tend to multi-task for so many reasons and one is to please the boss and second because we want to save time and complete our task as per deadline. But here's interesting thing that you will never believe:

    You know that multitasking is a bad idea. You may even know that frequent multitasking shrinks your brain and lowers your IQ. But did you know that, far from saving you time, multitasking cuts your productivity by a whopping 40 percent?

    That frightening number comes from Devora Zack, CEO of Only Connect Consulting, and author most recently of Singletasking: Get More Done--One Thing at a Time. In fact, she notes, there's actually no such thing as multitasking. You may think you're taking part in a conference call, writing a report, and texting with your spouse all at the same time, but what your brain is actually doing is switching non-stop among these different activities. That's costing you both efficiency and brain cells.

    The problem is, like many things, multitasking may be bad for you but it feels really good. That's because as you switch from task to task, your brain reacts to the feeling of newness with a jolt of dopamine--the same brain chemical that causes heroin addiction.

    Fortunately, Zack says, you can get off the multitasking treadmill, and regain your efficiency, not to mention the IQ points you may have lost. Here's how.

    1. Choose one task and commit to it.
    "Singletasking obliges you to do one thing at a time, excluding any other demands at that moment," Zack says. "This means you must stand firm and genuinely commit to your choices."

    This doesn't mean that you need to stick with a single task until it is completed, she adds--few of us have the scheduling freedom for that. What she does suggest is picking a specific amount of time to work on a given task and sticking to it for that much time.

    I believe that approach is the power of the highly popular Pomodoro Technique, in which you work on a given task for 25 minutes at a time (one "pomodoro") and then take a five-minute break. Whether you use pomodoros or not, focusing on one task at a time is a highly powerful thing to do, especially if you've got a tough job to complete.

    2. Pick a place to park distracting inspirations.
    You know what I mean. You're in the middle of writing an email to a client and suddenly a bright idea for how to pitch another client pops into your head. If you're a multitasker, your response us to open a new email and start writing that second pitch while it's fresh in your mind.

    The wiser approach is to designate a handy place to leave notes to yourself so that you don't lose your brilliant ideas and can come back to them later while keeping your focus on the task at hand. Ideally, you should quickly switch to a different screen (or pull out a nearby notepad), jot down a few words or a sentence that will help you remember your bright idea, and then go right back to what you were doing. Zack uses her smartphone for this purpose; I use Evernote. Whatever method you choose, it should be quick, near to hand, intuitive for you, and as brief an interruption as possible.

    3. Give yourself the gift of distraction-free time.
    "It's up to you to control your environment--to 'build fences' to keep potential distractions, such as noise and pop-ups, at bay," Zack says. It's easy to blame your co-workers (or the people you live with, if you work at home) when they distract you. It's also easy to blame your technology for distracting you--the incoming email or Facebook notification that bings or buzzes, the incoming phone call or text.

    The fact is, being distracted or not is mostly within your control. If you have an office with a door, close that door during conference calls, while working on projects, and other times you need want to focus on a single task (which should be most of the time). If you work in a cubicle or your office has an open floor plan, use a sticky note or some other means to signal that you don't want to be disturbed right now. And you can block calls, texts, and other such distractions by closing your email window and silencing your phone's notifications.

    4. Perform related tasks in clusters.
    Answering email messages, texts, and social media messages as they arrive is a great way to abandon your focus and get that addictive dopamine craving filled. Resist the temptation by relegating certain tasks to certain periods or times of the day. For instance, you might limit reading and answering email to three times: when you start work in the morning, at lunch time, and right before you stop for the day, Zack suggests. That way, email won't interrupt you the rest of the time.

    It's also smart to cluster tasks by topic because that will help you increase focus. You may be receiving email about many different projects or sales opportunities. If you respond to them project by project, instead of in the order they arrive, you'll be able to focus better on each overall topic.

    5. Grow your attention span with a little quiet time.
    The average human attention span is eight seconds, Zack says. "This is one second less than the attention span of a goldfish," she notes. One reason is that modern humans can satisfy our own desire for distraction every waking moment and are never alone with our thoughts.

    So fight that tendency by scheduling a few minutes of introspective quiet time into your daily or weekly routine. Formal meditation is one way to achieve this, but so is this simple five-minute exercise. Just giving yourself a few minutes to daydream works too.

    6. Become a master at saying no.
    None of us like saying no, and all of us like to think we can take on one more project, one more volunteer task, one more social engagement. But that's a recipe for disaster, Zack warns. Instead, she says, we must learn to say no gracefully.


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    "It's perfectly fine, even responsible, not to respond to every request immediately," she says. And saying no doesn't make you selfish. "'No, I can't right now,' is not equivalent to 'No I won't ever do it,'" she adds. "What you're really saying is that, just as you're committed to your current obligation, you'll be equally committed to their request when the time comes." (And if you're wondering which tasks to say no to, this approach to streamliningmay help.)

    7. Ask the people around you to hold you accountable for focusing.
    "Old habits die hard," Zack notes. "From time to time, you'll almost certainly go back to your old ways, reverting to task-switching. So ask your family, friends, and co-workers to call you out."

    Not only will this help keep you honest about focusing on one task at a time; it will have extra benefits as well. If the people in your life understand that you're trying to build focus--and that you want their help in that effort--they'll be in your corner to help make that happen. Besides holding you to your no-distraction plan, they may look for ways to keep distractions from reaching you. They may even think twice before distracting you themselves.

  10. Bonjiek Dakoykoy

    Bonjiek Dakoykoy
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    May 24, 2015
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    I generally do not agree because it depends on the situation. Like in my case, I am working on Management Information System for uploading our documents, sometimes it takes time to upload especially large size files, so instead of waiting for the system to finish uploading the document, I can do something else, like checking another documents or sending emails for the reports, or take calls or even start filing.

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